121 Tutors are always seeking great people to join our enthusiastic team of Tutors.
If you are available outside of school hours, have a passion for education, and experience in this field, then we want to hear from you.
We provide face to face tutoring across all of Auckland, and on-line sessions across New Zealand. We support students across all ages so require a wide-range of tutors to be able to support students in different areas, with different tutoring needs.
121 Tutors prides itself on supporting our tutors by providing the latest New Zealand curriculum assessment materials, plus current resources and ideas. We are here 24/7 to support you in providing the best tutoring possible to your students.
If you are interested in becoming a 121 Tutor, please contact chris@121tutors.co.nz and tell us a little about your experience, and attach a copy of your current CV.